Luxura X3
Luxura X3 is how easiness is spelled: It is the strong all-round talent to enter the Luxura segment. X3 displays a fresh, compact and up-to-date design that comes in different fashionable colours, so the operator can keep up with the latest
Easy maintenance:
All features that can be operated by the user, are fit into a clarifying display panel, which is easy to use. The EasyClean click-profile makes maintenance as easy as can be: easy reach of tubes and facial filters – a fast way of cleaning and switching lamps. Optionally, a special central air extraction is available for Luxura
Standard Features
[sc:lux_xllight_an ]
[sc:lux_ecopower_an ]
Optional Features
[sc:lux_ambientflowlight_an ]
[sc:lux_mymp3_an ]